Friday, September 9, 2011

Glitter Words -

doctor ratings

The Boys Over flowers Cast

Hello viewers and to our dear Professor James Daigdigan who give us this group project and Practical exam.
As we start on planning of what are we going to present, we had come up the Boys Over Flowers Series that's why for us our Role Play was a success.

This was the 1st and 2nd day of meetings as we start making our scripts for the play :))

This was the meetings that have been taken  up in the classroom, we have so much in mind with the scripts and the Play. we were so excited ,what are classmates Gonna wear especially the acting of the F4! Keanu was really a great thinker even sometimes, his jokes are corny! hahahaha!, but we help him also in thinking what kind of play should we do before making the scripts and start the practice  after various of picking what to play we found that B.O.F is the coolest Play we could ever do.  

The Making of the PROPS

In addition, Please watch this video :)

The preparation of the play was very enjoying, because we always go to the U8 dormitel of katrina and make practices there and we enjoy the company of each other members all of them are very cooperative and even it's very tiring we still smile because we have many jokers in the group.
each day like last monday and tuesday (september 5-6 2011) before the actual presentation we have been practicing and do our best to finish our play successfully in the dormitel of kat and all of us are very excited within that moment.

The Actual Presentation is Held @ F412 in the morning. 
The Actual Play :)

After the actual presentation we were all both HAPPY because of the success of the play and we hope we have big grades too! :))

The Production Staffs :)

Group 4 
Leader: Katrina Gallardo 
Secretary: Maureen Joyce Abrasaldo
Documenter: Keanu Penas
Synthesizer: Katreena Ann Laluna
John Bagay 
Seiji Limsiaco
Kevin Lim Ibanez
Romel Abaya 
Raymond Villegas
Shawn Klyde Quiamco

We the group 4 are successfully finished our Role playing last wednesday 11:05 in the morning, We were so greatful that each one of us cooperate to the play and even we forgot some lines we still know how to handle things and make it work like the PLAY, to prof. James Thank you for giving us the chance to show our hidden talents :)) GOD BLESS YOU! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

FBI team takes aim at government corruption

FBI team takes aim at government corruption

The FBI has assembled a new squad to investigate corruption among judges and legislators in Georgia, though the top federal agent in the state is being tightlipped about what cases are developing.
Brian Lamkin, who heads the FBI office in Georgia, told The Associated Press he decided to form the team after months of reviews and a look at the bureau's long-term priorities.
Georgia's FBI office has long used a single squad that handled the brunt of corruption cases, from law enforcement officials to government officials. But Lamkin set up a special team to look into wrongdoing by police and other law enforcement officers and landed string of recent corruption charges. That team will still check out officers while the second new corruption squad will have a different goal, he said.
"It impacts the everyday system. It's not just a dirty law enforcement officer that might be shaking you down," he said. "You're talking about people that you elect to an office to represent you who try to line their pockets."
Lamkin will personally sign off on the investigations before they go forward, and high-profile cases will be approved by FBI officials in Washington, he said.
"The reason is a corruption investigation can ruin reputations," he said. "These are not quick hits. We will use sophisticated techniques and undercover operations to really go after these. That's why the individuals that work these have to be patient."
Lamkin wouldn't say how large the team is, but he said he's assigned about 40 percent of the staff in the bureau's white-collar crimes unit to the mission.
The move was welcomed by government officials, who believed state and local funding cuts over the last few years have eroded other investigations.
"I just appreciate it. One of the frustrations you hear is that with the state budget cuts, you don't have the resources to hire more investigators," said state Rep. Joe Wilkinson, who chairs the House Ethics Committee. "This brings another much-needed level of scrutiny to the system."
Fulton County Sheriff Ted Jackson, who has asked the FBI to investigate deputies at the Fulton County Jail for wrongdoing, applauded the new oversight. That probe led to charges in June against four guards accused of smuggling drugs and cell phones into the jail.
"The FBI has been working with us to rid this agency of corruption and investigate other crimes involving civil rights," said Jackson, a former FBI agent himself. "This effort is beneficial to the public by rooting out corrupt activity which costs taxpayers."
The new squad was formed as rounds of budget cuts have depleted key state investigative agencies.
The Judicial Qualifications Commission nearly ran out of money in December to investigate judicial misconduct, but state lawmakers gave it a financial boost this year.
The agency has forced several judges to resign, and recently recommended that a north Georgia judge be ousted from the bench after concluding that he pointed a gun at himself in the courtroom and berated his boss in a bizarre televised rant.
And the Georgia Ethics Commission, which investigates finance complaints and registers lobbyists, has been rocked by deep funding cuts even as it takes on more duties. The commission's director resigned after a dispute over the agency's budget and the status of several cases involving Gov. Nathan Deal. And it went from fielding three investigators in 2008 to none now, said William Perry, the director of Common Cause Georgia.
"Our state is cutting back on monitoring elected officials and their ethical behavior, so we welcome the fact that the federal government is stepping up," he said.
Lamkin still remembers the first corruption case as a field agent. It involved a food inspector who took $1,000 to look the other way at a Virginia naval base. It may not seem like a lot of money, he said, but don't try to tell that to a sailor who ate the tainted food.
"We don't take this lightly," he said. "These are truly the types of investigations that are being done in the back room. And the circle of friends is very small. In order to penetrate that inner circle, you've got to have a strong and tenacious group to develop the intelligence."
Bluestein can be reached at

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

REACTION about the issue :)

When i read this article i was happy, because their are some people wants justice when it comes to government corruption and very glad because maybe its the only way to know who corrupts the country within the politicians and make other people realize how come that their countries income is loss. And its right that their should be teams or group of  people that investigate the government corruptions not in their but to our country of course :) 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Oil price hike

High oil prices pose real economic risk, IEA says:

Agence France-Presse
First Posted 21:42:00 01/18/2011

Filed Under: Economy and Business and Finance, Energy, Oil & Gas - Downstream activities
PARIS—Oil prices near $100 a barrel pose a real risk to the world economy, the International Energy Agency warned on Tuesday, as the global economic rebound led to the strongest growth in oil demand for nearly three decades.
"Recent price levels already pose a real economic risk – something of deep concern to producers and consumers alike," the IEA said in its latest monthly Oil Market Report.
Oil prices of $100 a barrel represent an 'oil burden' of 5 percent of gross domestic product on the global economy, the IEA calculated, and said such levels in the past "have clearly been associated with economic problems.”
"Ultimately, oil producers, financial investors and consumers (notably import-dependent developing countries) all suffer under such a scenario," said the report.
Optimism about the global economic recovery and interest from bullish investors have pushed crude prices close to $100 a barrel in recent sessions, levels last seen in October 2008.
Harsh winter hitting Europe and parts of North America, as well as growth in China and other developing nations, has also boosted prices.
Oil prices rose in early trading in London on Tuesday. At 1100 GMT Brent North Sea crude for March delivery was up 62 cents from Monday's close at $98.05 a barrel. New York's main contract, light sweet crude for February delivery, was up 12 cents to $91.66.
The IEA, the energy policy and monitoring arm of the 34-member Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, said growth in oil demand in 2010 was at one of the strongest rates in three decades, albeit from a low crisis level.
Oil demand grew by 3.2 percent, an increase of 2.7 million barrels per day (mbd) year on year to 87.7 mbd, it said.
Moreover, "such demand strength appears to be more related to a buoyant economic recovery than to the frigid weather conditions that prevailed in most of the northern hemisphere in late 2010."
The IEA said preliminary data showed China's oil demand raced ahead 15.1 percent year on year in November, driven in large part by government-mandated closures of coal-fired plants to meet pollution targets that spurred use of small-scale electricity generators run on gasoil.
"Total demand has thus reached new historical highs (10.2 mbd), surpassing for the first time the symbolic 10 mbd threshold," said the IEA.
Given that the pace of economic recovery is widely forecast to slow down in 2011, the IEA forecast growth in oil demand to slow to 1.6 percent for a gain of 1.4 mbd year-on-year to 89.1 mbd.
The OPEC oil cartel, which pumps 40 percent of world crude, revised upwards its 2011 world demand growth estimate on Monday, given the pace of global economic recovery and cold winter weather in the northern hemisphere.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said it was pencilling in world oil demand growth of 1.23 mbd to 87.32 mbd for this year, a 1.43 percent jump compared with 1.37 percent previously forecast.
The IEA said global oil production fell by 0.3 mbd in December to 88.1 mbd, as non-OPEC supply decreased largely due to weather-related and technical outages. However, global supply is 2.1 mbd higher year on year, it added.
It now estimated demand on OPEC countries to average 29.9 mbd, around 0.4 mbd higher than previously, and that the cartel's effective spare capacity has nudged below 5 mbd for the first time in two years.
The IEA said OPEC crude oil supply at 29.58 mbd was running at the highest level since December 2008, when the producer group last agreed to cut output targets.
It estimated OPEC is now producing about 2.3 mbd above its notional 24.845 mbd output target.
The IEA said "the steady increase in prices over the past few months appears to have prompted a number of producers to increase supplies to capture higher revenues and/or to moderate price increases."
It singled out Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, the UAE, Nigeria, Ecuador and Venezuela.
At its last meeting the 12-nation cartel decided to leave production quotas unchanged, with some nations like Iran and Venezuela urging higher prices to above $100 a barrel to offset what they said were rising production costs.
But at the meeting last month in Quito OPEC heavyweight Saudi Arabia differed, saying between 70 and 80 dollars a barrel was a "fair price."

Probe oil price increases 

See if increases were ‘justifiable’
By Joel Guinto
First Posted 15:56:00 04/06/2009

Filed Under: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities, Government
MANILA, Philippines--President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has instructed the Department of Energy (DoE) to investigate whether or not the recent oil price increases were “justifiable,” MalacaƱang said Monday.
If the DoE finds no reason for oil companies to increases pump prices, Press Secretary Cerge Remonde said the Department of Justice (DoJ) would determine whether or not charges would be pursued.
“Pinapa-examine ng pangulo sa DoE, kung ano ang rason na nagtaas ng presyo ng gasoline [The President asked the DoE to examine of there is reason to increase fuel prices],” Remonde said in radio interview.
“If the DoE finds out that the adjustments are unreasonable, then it [would] study possible actions that can be undertaken under the oil deregulation law,” he said.
Remonde said the President asked DoE Secretary Angelo Reyes to ask oil firms to explain why they were raising pump prices, when there were no similar adjustments in the world market.
The President told Reyes to finish his inquiry “as soon as possible,” Remonde said.
On Sunday evening, oil firms raised gasoline prices by P0.50 per liter and diesel prices by P1.00 per liter, just days after they raised gasoline prices by P1.00 per liter and diesel prices by  P1.50 per liter.

Peso falls on news of oil price hikes 
By Michelle Remo
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 17:29:00 03/02/2011

Filed Under: Foreign Exchange Markets, Oil & Gas - Upstream activities, Economy and Business and Finance

MANILA, Philippines—The peso fell Wednesday as reports about rising oil prices dampened sentiment on the performance of the global and domestic economies.
The local currency closed at 43.49 against the US dollar, down by 5.5 centavos from 43.435 on Tuesday. Intraday high stood at 43.49:$1, while intraday low settled at 43.61:$1.
Volume of trade rose to $1.02 billion from $874.58 million previously.
Traders said increase in global oil prices has made investors concerned about the impact on economic growth. Sharp rise in prices of oil, a basic commodity, is feared to dampen consumption of other goods and thus decelerate growth.
The Philippines imports bulk of its oil requirements.